The next-generation data center responds dynamically to disruptive change, melts technology silos and integrates legacy and new architectures to create a single, manageable ecosystem. The next-generation data center responds dynamically to disruptive change, melts technology silos and integrates legacy and new architectures to create a single, manageable ecosystem As workloads are executed, patterns are invoked dynamically to orchestrate all of the necessary infrastructure resources to meet workload demands in real-time.
Many IT leaders are enthusiastically pursuing this new model which holds potential to transform the data centre into a dynamic and agile asset: one that serves as a business response centre that will scale to meet the growing demands of the business and users. But bear in mind that this is a journey. The next-generation data centre isn’t just another product. It’s not something you simply ‘order in’, or even something you can physically see. This is a transformation that takes time; and you may need to change direction several times along the way. IT operations teams are struggling to keep up with rapid technology advancements, and the option of handing certain responsibilities over to third-parties, is an appealing option. Increasingly, IT operations are being outsourced, and in many organisations, IT leaders are acting as “IT service brokers” for the business.
‘However, some IT leaders are less comfortable about “letting go” of tasks that have traditionally fallen within their remit. While they see value in eliminating complexity through a managed services or outsourcing arrangement, they’re concerned about not having control of the technologies that prospective partners might be using.
Focus on workloads and platforms, not the technology.
Effectively dealing with high levels of complexity also means rethinking the way you maintain, operate, and support your workloads and data. According to us today, it’s no longer just about deploying technology. ‘You need to first look at your workloads and then consider what kind of services you can provide to your users – be they internal departments or customers,’ Then you need to consider how you’re going to support and maintain those workloads.
Vizodo is frequently asked by clients for assistance in formulating workload decision criteria and matrices, and identifying which platforms are most appropriate for different services – on-premise, off-premise, or a hybrid model.